miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Romania who? "Fregata" Hahahaha

In biroul oval e freamat mare. Aparu unu de la FED care spuse ca hamerica intra in insolventa. President Barak O'bama flokka flame gaseste solutia unui razboi impotriva Lidiey

Obama:Ok, what do we have here?
Army: We enter Libya
Obama: who's the first idiot to enter? hahahahaha
Army: aaaa. That will be Romania
Obama: Hă Hă. Romania who?
Army: NATO partner. No big deal
Obama: It' this a good start?
Army: They have a "fregata"
Obama: Whoaaa. Mhm. What's that?
Army: it's a ship.
Obama: good. 2.000 men it's enough to clear our way
Army: Sir mister president. It's a small ship. Built in '86. It can carry about 207 people
Obama: (hysterical) aaahaaahahahahaaa

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Maybe you'll want to put a twitter icon to your site. I just bookmarked the url, but I must make it manually. Simply my 2 cents.